
1711 South Willow Street | Manchester , NH | 03103 | USA

187 Avenue A | Turners Falls , MA | 01376 | USA


Format: CD
Rel. Date: 05/17/2024
UPC: 8011570372956

Capriciosi Affetti - The Venetian Sonata
Artist: Castello / Fontana / Ensemble Harmonia Urbis
Format: CD
New: All items ship directly from our warehouse. To buy in-person, please call the store at (603) 644-0199 for availability. $18.99

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Capriciosi Affetti takes us on a journey around the instrumental sonata in early17thcenturyVenice through two and threepartcompositions with continuo by Biagio Marini, Giovanni BattistaFontana, Dario Castello, Giovanni Picchi, Giovanni Legrenzi and Marco Uccellini. Ranging from thetradition of the Canzon da Sonar and the Musica a Ballo, our journey certifies the wealth of experimentationwithin the sonata concertante, with it's kaleidoscopic variety of contrasts. Alongwith the outcomes of vocal music, musing around the affetti played a pivotal part in the developmentof instrumental writing that was as idiomatic as it was advanced from a technical, timbricaland sound point of view. Composers called affetti those peculiar technical and execution modalitiesof expression through which instrumental music, lacking a written text, wished to give anabstract representation of the variety of accents and everchanginginflections within human passionsand frames of mind.
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