
1711 South Willow Street | Manchester , NH | 03103 | USA

187 Avenue A | Turners Falls , MA | 01376 | USA

Io Tu Il Loro
Artist: Klaus Grobe Johann
Format: CD
New: All items ship directly from our warehouse. To buy in-person, please call the store at (603) 644-0199 for availability. $15.98

Formats and Editions


1. Highway High
2. Getting Down to Adria
3. Never Going Easy
4. When You Leave
5. Try
6. Bay of Love
7. Io Sempre Di Tu
8. Better Do
9. You Gave It All

More Info:

Six years have passed since Swiss-based duo Klaus JohannGrobe's last long player "Du bist so symmetrisch" (2018) andyou'll hear they've come a long way. "Io tu il loro", their fourthalbum for Chicago-based Trouble In Mind Records was writtenover two weeks in a cabin at the very end of a remote Swissvalley, where - pretty much at the same place - Klaus JohannGrobe came up with their whole debut full-length "I'm Sinne derZeit" album in 2014. What started out as simply making musicagain quickly turned into seriously making a new album. Oncedecided, the whole thing was finished rather quickly andrecorded once again at David Langhard's Dala Studio at theend of 2022. "Io tu il loro" is a record that cannot be done by endlesslyfiddling around with hundreds of ideas and sounds. All it neededwas a real break (Dani and Sevi didn't work on any Groberelated stuff until they met up in the mountains in 2022). It's analbum with a blurry vision and soft limitations.
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