Director Raoul Walsh's memorable "sagebrush noir" drama stars Robert Mitchum as a man who was orphaned as a boy and taken in by a widowed rancher (Judith Anderson) alongside her two children. Returning home from the Spanish-American War to claim his share of the family ranch and to wed his "stepsister" (Teresa Wright), Mitchum is goaded into a deadly showdown that's linked to his parents' murders. Dean Jagger, John Rodney co-star. 101 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English DTS Lossless stereo; Subtitles: English.
Director Raoul Walsh's memorable "sagebrush noir" drama stars Robert Mitchum as a man who was orphaned as a boy and taken in by a widowed rancher (Judith Anderson) alongside her two children. Returning home from the Spanish-American War to claim his share of the family ranch and to wed his "stepsister" (Teresa Wright), Mitchum is goaded into a deadly showdown that's linked to his parents' murders. Dean Jagger, John Rodney co-star. 101 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English DTS Lossless stereo; Subtitles: English.
Format: Blu-Ray New:
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Director Raoul Walsh's memorable "sagebrush noir" drama stars Robert Mitchum as a man who was orphaned as a boy and taken in by a widowed rancher (Judith Anderson) alongside her two children. Returning home from the Spanish-American War to claim his share of the family ranch and to wed his "stepsister" (Teresa Wright), Mitchum is goaded into a deadly showdown that's linked to his parents' murders. Dean Jagger, John Rodney co-star. 101 min. Standard; Soundtrack: English DTS Lossless stereo; Subtitles: English.